What they are doing:
– Nickles Electric will continue installing temporary traffic signals at Blount Street, Paterson Street, and Ingersoll Street.
– R.G. Huston will continue sanitary sewer and water main installation between Franklin Street and Brearly Street. Another crew will continue installing sanitary sewer and water main at the Baldwin Street intersection. Another crew will continue installing water main on the south side of E. Johnson at Hamilton Street.
– Interstate Tree will begin clearing trees on the south side or E. Johnson Street.
What it means for you:
East Johnson Street traffic will remain reduced to one lane through the entire project. E. Gorham Street will remain reduced to one lane through the N. Baldwin St. intersection. N. Hamilton Street will remain reduced to one way (SB) only traffic between E. Gorham and Webster Street.
Planned Intersection Closures:
N. Butler Street south of E. Johnson Street
N. Hancock Street south of E. Johnson Street
N. Baldwin Street south of E. Johnson Street
N. Livingston Street south of E. Johnson Street
N. Blount Street south of E. Johnson Street
**All info from City of Madison, Project website is: http://www.cityofmadison.com/engineering/EJohnson/