TOMORROW: International Walk to School Day. More info:

From the Wisconsin DOT:     
“Students from around the state will join thousands of students across the U.S. and more than 40 other countries to raise awareness about this healthy mode of transportation,” said Jill Mrotek Glenzinski, the state’s bike and pedestrian coordinator. “Parents are urged to walk with their children to promote safe habits.”
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects funded under the Transportation Alternatives Program encourage children in grades K-8 to walk and bike to school by creating safer walking and biking routes.
These projects improve walking and biking travel options, promote healthier lifestyles in children at an early age and decrease auto-related emissions near schools.
Currently, organized events are planned at dozens of Wisconsin schools, and that number is climbing.  All students who can safely and conveniently walk to school are welcome to be part of this international day of walking.
Schools and communities are asked to register their Walk to School Day events CLICK HERE for link to registration website.
Last year, more than 100 events were registered in Wisconsin.   Events may be registered after they take place.
CLICK HERE for more information on International Walk to School Day in Wisconsin.