CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Beltline between Todd Dr & I-90; week of 10/27.


Work will continue in both directions.   Single lane closures Monday – Friday between 7pm-6am.  Double lane closures begin as early as 8pm.

Friday night (10/31) into Saturday morning (11/1) the lane closures will be between 8pm-8am and Saturday night (11/1) into Sunday morning (11/2)  from 8pm-10am.

There will also be overnight lane closures this week between 8pm-6am.  A list of anticipated closures are below; these are subject to change.

Monday 10/27:

WB Beltline:  On ramp from Hwy 14 (Park St).

Thursday 10/30:  

WB Beltline:  Ramp from NB/WB I-39/90
Crews hope to have all work done in this area by November 21.

CLICK HERE for DOT website on this project. 

