NEW:   Ramp from Greenway Blvd to the WB Beltline is slated to CLOSE TODAY for ~3 weeks.

The signed detour includes Greenway Blvd,  John Q. Hammons Dr, Deming Way, and Hwy 14/University Ave.

                  Repairs that will take place during the ramp closure include new right turn lane, storm sewer, curb & gutter,                         sidewalk improvements, traffic signal upgrades and removal of the existing concrete pavement.

OLD:   Ramp from Old Sauk Rd to EB Beltline;  this is now scheduled to reopen Sept 22.

Ramp from NB Hwy 14/Park St to WB Beltline;  scheduled to open Sept 18.


**Please note there are a slew of overnight ramp closures too, including various Whitney Way and Verona Rd ramps.  Details on that will come later today in a separate post.

